Monday, January 25, 2010

Buzzell v. Didion

Both readings were great. Both were very informative and gave a picture of what it was like to be sitting next to the authors as they, themselves experienced what they wrote. Where the authors differ, however is that one is explaining if he really sees what he is writing or is it a complete work of fiction? I thought Buzzell's entries were much more life like and most definitely had a concrete feel to it. The reader knew the story was not made up, and one could almost feel like he is almost sitting next to the ant infested hill as Colby lays down on top of it.

The Didion reading was well written and gave me amazing images as I read the five or so pages. What ruined the read for me was how the author jumped from topic to topic with Little connection. It honestly started to confuse me, albeit not hard to do, but made it more difficult for me to follow his point. After I reread the essay I thought about the meaning of this short story. To me, the meaning is that most things you have to learn on your own. Through the good times and the bad, through happiness and sadness, and sometime through just sheer stupidity. No one can teach you life lessons, except life itself.

The means of conveying one's feelings may have changed, but the purpose has not. Even though these two authors were born and lived at least 40 years apart, both needed an outlet for the things they witnessed and felt. A blog is just a journal or diary with more equipment.

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